
[testimonial_slider_box title=”See what Pro-Life Leaders are saying about 40″]
[testimonial_slide author=”Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I, Archbishop of Chicago”]The documentary 40 presents the pro-life movement in the United States through the eyes, the words, and the experiences of its members. It offers an eye-opening review of history to those new to the pro-life cause, and reminds us all of how far we have come and of the challenges we still face in standing up for life.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Sheila Liaugminas, Host of ‘A Closer Look’ on Relevant Radio”]Unlike any other engagement of the abortion debate, the 40 film gives voice to both sides fairly and lets women speak for themselves through experience on the reasons for their firm convictions about abortion. What we know now that we didn’t at the time of Roe is the impact of abortion on women, men, families and society. The 40 film captures it all in an exquisite encounter with human dignity. This is one for the ages, a rare and timeless contribution to this time in history. It should be seen by all people of all persuasions, everyone, everywhere, without exception. This was long overdue, but now we’re talking.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=” Lila Rose, President of Live Action”]40 is a heart-felt depiction of some of the great struggles and victories of our movement. The stories shared through this film will be sure to inspire you.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Rebecca Kiessling, Conceived in rape and Director of Save the 1″]40 is destined to become the premiere film for educating youth on abortion.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey, O.P. Superintendent, Office of Catholic Schools Archdiocese of Chicago”]This documentary is a solid contribution to an important national discussion; its thoughtful approach makes it perfect for use with adolescents and adults.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Jeanne Monahan, President of March for Life Education and Defense Fund”]Building a culture of life, at its core, is about creating an environment where no woman, in her right mind, would ever choose abortion. The 40 documentary will be a tremendous aid in reaching this goal because it show abortions for what it is in a way that is not exaggerated or overly sensational. The documentary contains many personal interviews of people previously involved with abortion (clinic workers, women who chose abortion) who are now ardently working to build a culture of life. 40 reveals in a compelling and authentic way that abortion is irrational, illogical and unreasonable, that it is not good for anyone involved, and that it is the human rights issue of today.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Kelsey Hazzard, President of Secular Pro-Life”]The pro-life movement envisions a day when abortion is taught in history classes. The 40 film will be used in that lesson plan.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Dr. Day Gardner, President National Black Pro-Life Union”]The 40 film is a provocative game changer in support of life.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life”]40 is a film that will help America discover the pro-life movement, and hence discover its best self.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Jewels Green, Post-abortive mother and former abortion clinic worker”]40 seamlessly weaves together personal stories of tragedy and regret with glimmers of hope and love to create a far-reaching tool for sharing the truth about what 40 years of legalized abortion-on-demand has given America: a culture of disregard for human life, and disdain and outright hostility toward those of us who choose to defend life.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Ryan Bomberger, Co-Founder The Radiance Foundation”]40 is a powerful reflection of the most racially, ethnically, and generationally diverse human rights movement the world has ever seen. While Big Abortion crushes Purpose over 3,000 times a day, people who fight for the dignity of all human life pour their lives into saving beautiful Possibility. As an adoptee and adoptive father, it is a joy to shatter the myth of the “unwanted” child—we’re all wanted by someone. 40 makes that crystal clear.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Joe Scheidler, Founder of Pro-Life Action League”]40 will inspire and motivate you to stand up and speak out for the unborn.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Father Frank, Hoffman Executive Director of Relevant Radio”]All high school and college students need to see this film, especially at Catholic high schools and colleges.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Serrin M. Foster, President – Feminists for Life of America”]The 40 film beautifully reveals the spectrum in the pro-life movement, our hope for the future in every child, and the courage of student activists who give meaning to our message that “Women Deserve Better than Abortion” through resources and support. Morales makes it clear: Joy is our business.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Kristine Kruszelnicki, Founder of Pro-Life Humanists”]As a pro-life atheist I’m so glad this film was made! At last a documentary that highlights well-reasoned and secular arguments against abortion! 40 showcases former abortionists, post-abortive women, single mothers, individuals conceived through rape, crisis pregnancy workers, and pro-life leaders of many stripes, and it is a film worthy of both the skeptical pro-choice viewer and the seasoned pro-life advocate.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Rey Flores, Director of Outreach for American Life League”]The 40 film is the absolute best pro-life movie ever produced. Every American should watch this film and reassess their position on such an important matter… the right to life![/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Drew Mariani, Nationally syndicated radio talk show host and award-winning director”]At a time when too many have grown apathetic and blind to the greatest human rights violation of our time, the 40 film pulls back the veil and reveals what’s truly is at stake. It is a brilliant documentary that inspires, motivates and gives hope![/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Margie Manczko Breen, Director at Respect Life Office Archdiocese of Chicago”]It is my hope that every Catholic diocese across this nation uses the 40 film as a call to action![/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue”]40 is the most wide-ranging narrative on the pro-life movement. If you think you know the facts about abortion, think again! 40 will blow you away at the breadth of knowledge, compassion and strategic vision the movement has to end abortion.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Bridget Scott, University of St. Thomas Minnesota college student”]I saw this film at a showing at University of St. Thomas and I was absolutely amazed and want to share this with all of my friends! It was powerful and impacted me deeply. I am so grateful for this film and for the content that it brings. It’s not hurtful or tacky – it’s real, honest, and so necessary.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”David Bereit, National Director of 40 Days for Life”]America has spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness following the unjust Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that imposed abortion on all 50 states. But today, the tide is turning, and our nation is on the verge of becoming a promised land, where the unalienable right to life is once again protected for every member of our human family. The groundbreaking film, 40, chronicles this sweeping cultural transformation, providing great hope through expert interviews, cutting-edge science, profound insights and shocking revelations. Every person of faith and conscience needs to watch this powerful film immediately … and then take action. Hundreds of thousands of lives depend upon it.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Father John Brancich, Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, Omaha, NE”]The 40 film is full of information, inspiration, beautiful people and some moments that made my jaw drop.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Lavinia Spirito and Mary Lou Nemecek, co-hosts “Real Living” on WMJR 1380AM/94.9FM, Real Life Radio.”]The documentary 40 is a riveting and eye opening hour of facts, personal stories, and views from both side of the Reproductive Rights fence. Viewing this film leads to the conclusion that abortion is the preeminent human and civil rights issue of our time. Beautifully shot and eloquently produced, it is a must see for all people, young and old.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Yvonne Florczak-Seeman, Post-abortive mother and Founder of Love From Above”]After watching the 40 film, it was confirmed in my spirit that I will see the end of abortion. This movie will be the vehicle that God will use to start a new beginning of a new way on how we view life and the unborn child in its mother’s womb. The 40 film gives a wonderful and tender view on the truth from those that have been hurt by abortion both male and female. It also show the beauty of adoption and why that is the best choice for woman and child![/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Fr. Joel Rippinger, OSB Marmion Academy”]I found the film to be a superb educational tool for highlighting the principal moral arguments and debate on the moral question of abortion in the United States, forty years after Roe v. Wade. The film is particularly adept at giving a compassionate and penetrating insight into the lives of the many people who live with the consequences of legalized abortion.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Michael Stark, Co-Creator of the Truth & Life Dramatized Audio Bible”]The 40 film is a comprehensive, informative, eye-opener on the true consequences abortion has on EVERYONE involved! I am adopted, and if abortion were legal in 1964, I am doubtful that I would be writing this today. The women and men who agonize daily of the grievous decision they made at one point in their lives. This film touches all the bases, and is a home run, when it comes to telling the WHOLE story from all sides. (From the service providers, pro- abortionists, patients, relatives, councilors, pro-lifers, children born out of rape, to the wonderful people who risk arrest and derision for their belief that everyone deserves a chance of God’s gift of a happy life on earth.) This is a “Game Changer” and will change history![/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Movieguide, The Family Guide To Movie Reviews”]40 is a really good, highly informative, and extremely useful documentary presenting the arguments and realities favoring the pro-life position on the issue of abortion. It’s an emotionally powerful and intellectually stimulating must-see movie.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Kathleen Buckley Domingo, LIFE Coordinator Office of Life, Justice and Peace Archdiocese of Los Angeles”]40 is educational and inspirational, but best of all, it is motivational! It is an amazing tool to help grow our pro-life ministries and motivate new people to positive, life-affirming action in parishes, schools, and our broader communities.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Mary A. Strom, Executive Director, The Woman’s Center”]This engaging, fast-paced film will surprise you, inspire you and may even change your life. A must-see![/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Alan Napleton, President Catholic Marketing Network”]This outstanding documentary cuts across generational lines in presenting the pro-life message to people of all ages. 40 presents a compelling and inspirational approach to the argument that all life is sacred and is an excellent resource in creating a culture of life. I strongly recommend it as part of any pro-life effort.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Laura Alexandria, Director of Operations, Grand Rapids Right to Life”]Through spiritual and secular reasoning, the documentary film 40 constructs a solid case for a culture of life. 40 convincingly illustrates and logically argues that legalized abortion-on-demand is the most important civil rights issue of our time.[/testimonial_slide]
[testimonial_slide author=”Jill Stanek, National pro-life activist and blogger”]40 perfectly captures the spirit, love, and determination of the pro-life movement. Interviewed are several of our great thinkers and activists, eloquently answering the tough questions. The movement’s youthful vitality was also on full display. 40 is a must for every pro-life library and would be very persuasive viewing for those not persuaded.[/testimonial_slide]