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Author: spiritjuice
Counter Cultured: Protecting Life Through Film
40, a new youth-focused, pro-life documentary, details the most common questions about abortion in America through the voices of the pro-life movement’s most vocal leaders. The film features pro-life arguments from a variety of pro-life activists, including Abby Johnson, Lila Rose, and Angelica Rosales, that counter arguments commonly put forth by young “pro-choice” people. Some…
Ave Maria Radio Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
John spoke live with host Teresa about an upcoming 40 film fundraiser in the Detroit area.
Catholic Diocese of Toledo Appearance
John Morales, executive producer of The 40 Film will speak as well as show the trailer for the upcoming documentary at the Fourth Annual Northwest Ohio Life Fair.
Facing Life Head-On Television Appearance
John Morales discusses the vision for the upcoming 40 film on the multiple award winning television show which airs on Trinity Broadcasting Network, Catholic TV Network and Salt and Light TV in Canada.
Pro-Life Action League: A Powerful New Documentary on Abortion
Last week at our Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in Chicago, we ran into one of our longtime friends, John Morales. John has been a part of numerous film projects over the years, and his latest, 40, promises to be his best ever. 40 tackles the most difficult questions in the abortion debate and…
How would you fee your first year the boss of the UK pandora business?
Most of us can’t get enough with the hype surrounding Valentine’s Day this year as more retailers read their goodies with just spanning a week to go until the date. We’ve already seen Amazon shift huge discounts on devices and popular favourites which includes fragrances while John Lewis has dedicated a full section to his…
YouTube: Official 40 Trailer
40 is a film that will take on the heated issue of abortion in our nation that refuses to go away. Is abortion merely a religious or political issue or is it the most important fundamental human rights issue of our times? The film will take on the arguments of young people who believe in…