Sponsor a Screening

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[fancy_header type=”3″]Screening Licensing Costs[/fancy_header]

[icon_box icon=”fa-film” title=”Theater or Fundraiser” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#444444″]Available for $600
(Charge For Event)
Package includes Blu-Ray copy of film for theater, along with license for public screening purposes. Disc contains special feature on The Making of 40.[/icon_box]
[icon_box icon=”fa-comments” title=”Single Use Public Screening” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#444444″]Available for $300
(No Charge For Event)
Package includes DVD copy of film, along with license for public screening. May be used internally afterwards by a parish or church. Disc contains special feature on The Making of 40.[/icon_box]
[icon_box icon=”fa-flask” title=”Educational University” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#444444″]Available for $350
(Includes PPR*)
Package includes DVD copy of film, along with license for unlimited classroom use and church education programs.[/icon_box]
[icon_box icon=”fa-book” title=”Educational K-12 or Library” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#444444″]Available for $200
(Includes PPR*)
Package includes DVD copy of film, along with license for unlimited classroom use and church education programs.[/icon_box]

[center]* Public Performance Rights (PPR) – An institutional version permitting screenings for a non-paying audience in an institutional context.[/center]

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[fancy_header type=”3″]Purchase Screening License[/fancy_header]

Thank you for your inquiry regarding a public viewing of 40, which as of January 1, 2014, is available for sponsored theatrical and non-theatrical screenings!

Screenings of 40 have been previously scheduled in theaters, schools, and churches, giving you many opportunities to bring this compelling documentary to your community. In some instances, the events can feature appearances by John Morales (Director & Producer of 40), along with some of the pro-life leaders featured in the film.

Bring this powerful piece to your local theater and community to educate, inspire, and change hearts to stand up for the unborn. 40 is also available for fundraiser purposes for local causes, where applicable. For more information on scheduling a screening, please contact Cindy Morales at 847.803.4003, or click below to submit your information through our contact form.

Please be sure to provide the following:

[list_item icon=”fa-check-circle-o”]First and last name of contact[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-check-circle-o”]Telephone number[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-check-circle-o”]Email address[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-check-circle-o”]Name of parish/church, theater, school, library, or organization[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-check-circle-o”]Mailing address, city, state, and ZIP code[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-check-circle-o”]Which license you’re looking to purchase[/list_item]

[center]We will follow up with you using your supplied phone number to discuss your preferred payment method.[/center]


[center][button title=”Sponsor a Screening Near You” scroll=”true” link_url=”https://transaxt.com/Donate/TB47VK/PURCHASEALICENSETOSHOW40″ background=”#b22929″][space][/center]


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[fancy_header type=”3″]Questions & Answers[/fancy_header]

[one_half]Why do we need a movie license?
Copyright law is very clear regarding the use of DVD’s in any venue outside of your home. Our 40 Film licensing program allows your church, high school or college to legally use our film and we also provide you with the marketing tools to make your 40 Film Event a success.

What is a Public Performance?
Per the Motion Picture Association of America, public performances are defined at http://www.mpaa.org/contentprotection/public-performance-law

Suppose you invite a few friends over to watch a movie or a TV show that’s no longer available on TV. You buy or rent a DVD or Blue-ray disc from the corner store or a digital video file from an online store and show the film or TV episode in your home that night. Have you violated copyright law by illegally “publicly performing” the movie or show? Of course not.

But suppose you took the same movie or TV episode and showed it to patrons at a club or bar that you happen to manage. In that case, you have infringed the copyright in the video work. Simply put, movies or TV shows obtained through a brick-and-mortar or online store are licensed for your private use; they are not licensed for exhibition to the public.[/one_half]
[one_half_last]The Law
The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be used. Neither the rental nor the purchase of a copy of a copyrighted work carries with it the right to publicly exhibit the work. No additional license is required to privately view a movie or other copyrighted work with a few friends and family or in certain narrowly defined face-to-face teaching activities. However, bars, restaurants, private clubs, prisons, lodges, factories, summer camps, public libraries, daycare facilities, parks and recreation departments, churches and non-classroom use at schools and universities are all examples of situations where a public performance license must be obtained. This legal requirement applies regardless of whether an admission fee is charged, whether the institution or organization is commercial or non-profit, or whether a federal or state agency is involved.

Legal Sanctions
“Willful” infringement of these rules concerning public performances for commercial or financial gain is a federal crime carrying a maximum sentence of up to five years in jail and/or a $250,000 fine. Even inadvertent infringement is subject to substantial civil damages.[/one_half_last]

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[fancy_header type=”3″]10 Steps to Bring 40 to Your Community[/fancy_header]

[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-user” title=”Team” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Assemble a group of individuals that can each complete one or more of the following items. Consider combining with other parishes or groups and/or securing an underwriter(s) for the event.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-users” title=”Audience” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Decide upon your target audience. Invite local Crisis Pregnancy Centers, churches, media, politicians, business leaders, schools, and youth groups. The suggested minimum age is currently set a 7th or 8th grade level.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-list-ol” title=”Event Details” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Scout tentative viewing locations, and plan subsequent timing and scheduling matters, such as: when, what time, fee or free entry. If asking for a free will offering upon entry, be sure to publicize this stipulation ahead of time.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth_last][icon_box icon=”fa-money” title=”License” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Purchase viewing license that best matches your group or audience. An in-depth licensing breakdown is located at the top of this site section. For more information, please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.[/icon_box][/one_fourth_last]

[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-facebook-square” title=”Publicity” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Create events on social networking groups such as Facebook, or an event planning website that also provides a ticketing interface such as Eventbrite. Be sure to include the various 40 YouTube trailers to online group events. Print marketing materials, such as posters, print ads, and bulletin announcements.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-ticket” title=”RSVP” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Assign individual(s) to receive event RSVPs, and create a list for “day of” event check-in. Provide sign-in sheet to capture email addresses of walk-in viewers, to be used later for extended marketing opportunities. Suggestion: provide pre-printed name tags to facilitate the check-in process.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-video-camera” title=”Audio Visual” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Select, assemble, and test all necessary equipment well ahead of the event showing. Projector (minimum lumen count of 2400), DVD (Blu-Ray is preferred) player or computer with disc-playing capabilities, and room darkening options all vital to a successful showing. Audio speakers and projector screen MUST be appropriate to size of room.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth_last][icon_box icon=”fa-volume-up” title=”Speakers” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Define event agenda, selection of emcee, guest speakers, and other content to gauge timing. For posterity, assign a team member to take photos, estimate audience count, and share on social media outlets. Post pictures or “tag” 40 official Facebook page.[/icon_box][/one_fourth_last]

[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-coffee” title=”Hospitality” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Using approximate audience totals, be sure to bring small snacks, several drink options, paper goods, utensils, table decor, and more for the guests of your event.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][icon_box icon=”fa-file-text” title=”Literature” icon_type=”icon-font” background=”#b22929″]Place 40 signage near the entrance, along with other attention-getting materials such as balloons, information about/from local and national organizations that share similar values, and more.[/icon_box][/one_fourth]
